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  2nd International LEGO MINDSTORMS Competition
We have great news for you. The 2nd International LEGO MINDSTORMS Competition is on the horizon We are in the early planning phase but for now we can disclose the date and the location. It will take place the weekend of October 6-8 in Billund, (...) (18 years ago, 25-May-06, to lugnet.announce) ! 
  Re: 2nd International LEGO MINDSTORMS Competition
(...) Wanted to get this back on top. Anyone interested needs to contact me at Thanks guys. I hope to get you all involved. Steve (18 years ago, 27-Jun-06, to
  Re: 2nd International LEGO MINDSTORMS Competition
(...) This was a bunch of fun last year. I'm not sure, but I'm hoping I can go again this year. The great part was meeting the "Best of the Best" in the world of LEGO Mindstorms. I assume the event will use the NXT. It should be interesting to see (...) (18 years ago, 27-Jun-06, to
  Re: 2nd International LEGO MINDSTORMS Competition
Hello Steve, (...) FreeLUG will be here :-) We hope to have NXT in France before the date of competition, to learn how to use it. See you at Billund, JLB (18 years ago, 27-Jun-06, to

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