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Subject: 2005-01 Parts Update Now Available
lugnet.announce, lugnet.cad
Wed, 28 Dec 2005 07:51:21 GMT
!! (details)
6255 times
The 2005-01 LDraw parts update has been now been released.

This update includes 276 files, including 74 new part files, and many more
updated with improvements for Back Face Culling support. Several of the new
files are synonynms for existing parts with new numbers as used by LEGO Digital
Designer. These have been included deliberately to assist with inter-operability
between LDraw and LDD.

Thanks to all the authors and reviewers who contributed to this release, and for
everyone's patience in the 13 months since the last update.

You can preview the new parts in 2005-01 and download the update by going to

Although we started the process of implementing the LDraw Contributor Agreement
(CA) at the start of 2005, no decision has been made on how to organise the
existing parts library to split the parts covered by the CA from those created
by authors who have failed to respond to our many attempts to contact them in
this regard.

There are still over 100 certified files on the parts tracker
<> which were held back from this update
for various reasons - mainly a desire of mine to release groups of related parts
together, and our normal practice of not releasing new primitives until they are
needed for an official part. There are another 200+ files waiting for admin
review, which I can pay more attention to now that this update has been issued.

However, there are almost 800 files in need of further review. I would like to
release the next update early in the new year. I hope that the release of
2005-01 gives reviewers the confidence that the update mechanism is back on
track and encourages you to help me issue 2006-01 closer to the start of the
year than was the case with 2005-01.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: 2005-01 Parts Update Now Available
Great work! And just in time to give 2005 an update :) Let's hope 2006 will see more parts. A big thank you to all involved. (18 years ago, 28-Dec-05, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: 2005-01 Parts Update Now Available
(...) woo-hoo! Thanks for putting this update together, Chris! (...) Just to be painfully clear on this point, does the update include/exclude non-CA files? Or did you ignore CA-ness completely? Steve (18 years ago, 28-Dec-05, to lugnet.cad)

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