I was going to wait for Chris Giddens to get home from vacation but I just
finished this page on his site (and I'm impatient) so I thought I'd unveil
HUGE thanks to anyone who has ever offered support in establishing a group
building standard. Also, thanks to:
-Adrian Drake
-Chris Giddens
-Felix Greco
-Paul Hartzog
-Bram Lambrecht
-Jonathon Mizner
-ALL others who offered support and ideas at our roundtable or online.
| The Shipyard - http://zemi.net/shipyard
| My Lego Creations - http://zemi.net/lego
Message has 18 Replies:  | | Re: Introducing the Moonbase Project
| (...) town/train layouts at the various gathering and events. (Well the pictures anyway I have yet to attent anything :-( One of these times I will.) The ability to make a huge space layout would/will be so cool. My biggest question is how would you (...) (23 years ago, 26-Jul-02, to lugnet.space)
|  | | Re: Introducing the Moonbase Project
| (...) But you know what I like best? .... mousing over the computer screens! :-D call me simple, but they had me delightfully mesmerized. Is this the site's announcement too? love the URL.. Can't wait to see more. -Suz (23 years ago, 27-Jul-02, to lugnet.space)
|  | | Re: Introducing the Moonbase Project
| (...) technic bricks on the connectors, use 1 on the left, and a 1x2 brick with technic pin on the right (or vice versa) - saves worrying about technic pins! ROSCO (23 years ago, 27-Jul-02, to lugnet.space)
|  | | Re: Introducing the Moonbase Project
| i really like the idea of end-caps for unused corridors. (bases in remote locations on earth do the same thing. they build corridors w/ future expansion in mind, and then don't use them until the expansion is actually built) also, having been at the (...) (23 years ago, 27-Jul-02, to lugnet.space)
|  | | Re: Introducing the Moonbase Project
| Hi all, This sounds like a really fun idea. Castle did something similar at Brickfest, and it sounded fun from the discussion and pictures (I wasn't able to go :( oh well, next time). I know that 48x48 is more available in gray now, but when I think (...) (23 years ago, 27-Jul-02, to lugnet.space)
|  | | Re: Introducing the Moonbase Project
| (...) something to contribute to this for next year's BrickFest. But I find the black text on blue to be a serious eyestrain. Chris (Is 32 supposed to be old? I'm sure I wouldn't have complained about this ten years ago...sigh) (23 years ago, 27-Jul-02, to lugnet.space)
|  | | Re: Introducing the Moonbase Project
| (...) Look what you did.... You released that "bug". And it bit me. Darn Space Bug. Now I have to go build one of these. :P (...) -Jason +---...---+ Jason Spears MichLUG - (URL) - (URL) Store - (URL) (23 years ago, 27-Jul-02, to lugnet.space)
|  | | Re: Introducing the Moonbase Project
| (...) This looks like it can be quite the fun project to join in on (if I can ever get to Brickfest). What about airlock connections to say, a docked spaceship. Will those be different that the module connections? -alex (23 years ago, 27-Jul-02, to lugnet.space)
|  | | Re: Introducing the Moonbase Project
| In lugnet.announce, Jon Palmer writes: <snip> (...) Trundeller, its four-man exploration vehicle seen here: (URL) ship will be overhauled and intergrated into a research module for the Moonbase project. Work to begin within the month. Components (...) (23 years ago, 29-Jul-02, to lugnet.space)
|  | | Re: Introducing the Moonbase Project
| (...) My homepage has a link to it: www//ourworld.compus..._h_nielsen I havn't updated the web site with images of what I've built on it since then, but it is now populated with several buildings - an expanded Ore Processing facility, a Refinery, a (...) (23 years ago, 29-Jul-02, to lugnet.space)
|  | | Re: Introducing the Moonbase Project
| Greetings builders! Many thanx to all you who have started this project. Is it too late to pledge my allegiance? This is a truly inspirational project. I have two questions which may or may not have been answered in the discussion: Can someone who (...) (23 years ago, 30-Jul-02, to lugnet.space)
|  | | Re: Introducing the Moonbase Project
| First day back on the wires and a treat like this presents itself! Time to dig out my Bob 'Antarres Epsilon' Villa reno tapes..... Great idea gents...looking so forward to it. Cheers, -G (...) (23 years ago, 30-Jul-02, to lugnet.space)
|  | | Re: Introducing the Moonbase Project (Super-Modules)
| (...) must be arranged in a 3x3 square. A 96x96 "super-module" can have up to 8 corridor connections, but each and every one of the exterior corridors *must* use the same specifications as for the 48x baseplate. Thus, corridors should take up the (...) (23 years ago, 31-Jul-02, to lugnet.space)
|  | | Re: Introducing the Moonbase Project
| (...) come up with this wonderful standard. Now I have to put everything on hold to build 1 or more modules, just cause I am not willing to wait. Darn you all!!! ;-) Jude (23 years ago, 1-Aug-02, to lugnet.space)
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