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Re: Cycle 7 Ambassadors
Thu, 9 Jul 2009 12:37:03 GMT
16803 times
In lugnet.ambassadors, Dave Sterling wrote:
In lugnet.ambassadors, Jean-Marc Nimal wrote:
Straight from Steve Witt, the list of Cycle 7 ambassadors - congrats to all!
I find it interesting, however, that we have nobody representing LUGNET.  Was anyone even nominated?   I know there was a thread on here regarding ambassador nominations, but I don't think it ever gathered any steam.  Not to beat a dead horse...but is this another sign that LUGNET is dying?


I agree that LUGNET is missing, but I believe that everybody who participates
here is also (more) active somewhere else, LUGNET is a great inter-community
resource but there are few people who consider LUGNET their main LUG site.

On the other hand, the nomination of an ambassador related to the Brothers
Bricks might qualify in the same category... Maybe for the next round someone
can include LUGNET in his candidature much the same way as the ambassador for
Eurobricks is also ambassador for the SweLUG


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Cycle 7 Ambassadors
(...) Congratulations to all that were selected! It looks like we have a great and very diverse group of people. I am sure that they will all do a great job representing the community and I am very interested to see what they can accomplish over the (...) (15 years ago, 9-Jul-09, to lugnet.ambassadors)

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