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Re: Opinions wanted: article rating harmful? (was: New feature: Article rating)
Thu, 20 Apr 2000 21:59:16 GMT
2032 times
In lugnet.admin.general, Todd Lehman wrote:

[some concerns about the rating system]

I don't post here often, because usually what I want to say has
already been said.  However, Todd asked for our opinions, so I
figured I would speak up, as a non-"usual suspect".

I don't mean for this message to sound snotty or anything like that.
If it ends up that way, it's because whoever is reading this doesn't
really know me.  I think my overall reaction is, wow, this whole
ratings thing has really gone to people's heads and has been blown
WAYYYY out of proportion.  (My reaction to most arguments I encounter
is, "Ahh, get over it already!")

I prefer to make my own decisions about what to read rather than
relying on someone else's opinion.  That usually means that I end up
reading everything in the groups to which I am subscribed.  (I am
currently subscribed to 135 of 725 total groups, and I am tens of
thousands of messages behind, but that's my "problem" and no one
else's.)  Since I tend to read threads to their conclusion, I notice
that about 70% or more of all the messages are fluff: me too, wow
that's great, or person-to-person messages that would be better off
sent via email.  Also, there are a lot of posts that are just not
legible, not relevant, or not in the right newsgroup.  I don't see
that getting low ratings on these messages has caused their posters
to stop posting them.

Also, I think there are a lot of overly sensitive people here who
care overly much about what people think of their posts.  It's just a
message; it's not evidence of your worth as a human being!

Since questions 1 - 5 assume that one is actually noticing ratings,
I'll answer them together:

1.  How would you feel (better or worse) if the numeric values of
the ratings were not displayed to you unless you specifically
requested (via some simple setting) that they be displayed to you?

2.  How would you feel (better or worse) if the numeric values of
the ratings were not displayed ever to anyone but collected and used
by the server only for internal calculations, hotlist generation,
and personal recommendations to you?

3.  How would you feel (better or worse) if the ratings were not
even collected and collated in the first place?  (i.e. the
destruction of the feature altogether)

4.  Have you ever felt victimized by the rating system?  Have you
posted something which has obtained a low rating and felt
uncomfortable or unhappy about yourself or about LUGNET because of
the low rating?  How often?

5.  Have you ever felt victimized indirectly by seeing someone
else's post get a high rating?  How often?

I rarely use the web interface, so I would feel neither better nor
worse if ratings were hidden or disappeared entirely.  If there came
a time when ratings were sent as an X-Lugnet-rating header, my news
client already gives me the option to selectively display headers, so
I would already have the option to display or not.

As for personal recommendations, I don't see how the bot would be
able to determine, from aggregate ratings given by others, what *I*
would like to read.

As I said above, I rarely post to LUGNET.  A quick search shows a
whopping 139 posts in 1.5 years of reading, most of them unrated, a
few rated by 2.  I don't think I've blipped enough people's radar to
have people rating my posts.  Since I don't post enough to get rated,
and I don't see the ratings when I read, I don't feel victimized at
all either by getting low ratings or having other people get high

6.  Do you feel that the article rating system makes it easier for
you or harder for you to share your ideas?  And does this bother

Neither, no.  I try to police myself.  Sometimes I'm more successful
than at other times.  In looking over my past posts, I winced a
couple of times at some of the fluffy things I posted.  Sigh.

7.  How does your initial reaction to the announcement of the
article rating system compare to your current opinion of it?

My current opinion is about the same as my initial reaction: what
would I use it for?

8.  Do you feel that it is too early, too late, or the right time to
address these issues?

Probably the right time, since so much energy has been spent
discussing them already, energy that would be better spent clicking
bricks together.  :)

9.  What other areas (besides news articles) can you imagine that a
collaborative ratings system would be most helpful to you?  LEGO
sets? Websites?  Individual web pages?  etc...

I would prefer to see more time and energy put into objective data,
such as the set inventory & database, rather than subjective stuff
like ratings.  Links to websites are more helpful if they include a
description of what one might find there.  In general, I
prefer objective rather than subjective.

Thanks, Todd, for taking time to ask for our opinions, and thanks for
giving us a forum in which to express them.

Can we get back to building now?

Susan Hoover
Houston, TX

Message is in Reply To:
  Opinions wanted: article rating harmful? (was: New feature: Article rating)
All, It seems at this point that the article rating feature -- intended to help -- is actually causing more harm than good to the community. It's difficult to gauge how much harm is being done when opinions are so varied, but it's clear that (...) (24 years ago, 20-Apr-00, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.general, lugnet.announce) !! 

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