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LEGO Product Catalogs Needed

LUGNET LEGO Sets Database volunteers seek official LEGO Company materials for use in data entry and fact-checking. If you have a spare product catalog or two kicking around, and wouldn’t mind mailing it here, we’d be extremely grateful.

Mail to:

LUGNET c/o Suzanne Rich
166 Waverley Street
Belmont, MA 02478

In particular need:
  • Those thick square consumer catalogs - especially ones from Germany, the UK and Japan
  • Early LEGO DACTA or LEGO Educational Division catalogs (pre-Pitsco)
  • Retailer catalogs and price sheets from anywhere, any year.
  • Very special items such as TLC’s annual product archive CDs which contain hi-resolution images of all sets made available that year and their related logos.
I can assure you that any materials sent here will not show up for auction or sale somewhere. Everything usable will be kept filed into LUGNET’s existing extensive catalog archive. I hope to put together a detailed list of what’s currently in the library, to avoid duplicates. Time permitting, catalogs will be scanned and made available for public viewing (if not already online). Contributions can remain confidential if so requested. Credit can be given in the database’s administrative notes. Materials can be returned - if so desired, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Suzanne Rich & the database volunteers.
All text, images, or trademarks in this document are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

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