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TLC’s Annual Product CD-ROM sets

These are compilation CD-ROMs, distributed to resellers of LEGO and LEGO Dacta merchandise, containing an archive of official source imagery for a year’s products. The disks contain high resolution scans from studio photography of the models, shot against plain backgrounds. Many images are EPS files with clipping paths included, thus are large files. A collection of CDs may include some six or eight disks.

Some shots of assembled models have vertical presentation, others horizontal, sometimes one of each. Ususally an image of the box is included. Occasionally there are narrative set-up scenes of figs, etc. in action. Sometimes alternate models are also represented. All related logos and other graphics (as seen on packaging and in advertising) are always included.

The CDs are used by the art department of retailers to make sales fliers and the like. You’ve surely seen the images on and on the websites. I believe TLC also uses them for Mania magazine, S@H catalog, the retailer and consumer catalogs, the official website, set instructions, box fronts, etc. I’m pretty sure there are at least 6 years of these. We at LUGNET have some, but need ones documenting sets released prior to the year 2000 and 2004 to present.

-Suzanne Rich
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