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 Year / 2001 / 140
    How many hands does Palpatine have? —Christopher Lannan
   Fellows, I dunno if anyone noticed this yet, but looking at the catalogue picture it seems that Palpatine has four hands- two black and two yellow. Any ideas on how this happened? Chris (24 years ago, 28-Oct-00, to lugnet.year.2001)
        Re: How many hands does Palpatine have? —Erik Olson
   You're the first, again. (; It keeps happening to Palpatine: he's like the guy who is forced to relive his last hour over and over. Each time the catalog hits a new set of eyes, bam! it's a fresh slate of four hands. Have pity on him. (But then, he (...) (24 years ago, 28-Oct-00, to lugnet.year.2001)

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