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 Western/Wild West / 832
831  |  833
Re: Falsification or unreleased
Mon, 9 Oct 2006 00:08:27 GMT
41370 times
In lugnet.western, Anders Franzén wrote:
I'm sorry if this is old news but...

While browsing Brickshelf this evening I stumbled upon these two Western sets
I've never seen before, 6758 and 6776:

Is this just a hoax or is it unreleased official LEGO sets?

These are MOCs that one of the guys over on Eurobricks put together.  Pretty
neat idea for a sub-theme, and excellent work putting them together as "sets".


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Falsification or unreleased
(...) Those "sets" look top-notch! They really capture the style of the old Lego System models. Now, it would be interesting to see if someone could feasably produce a production run of these sets. I, for one, would be interesting in buying one! (...) (18 years ago, 9-Oct-06, to lugnet.western)

Message is in Reply To:
  Falsification or unreleased
I'm sorry if this is old news but... While browsing Brickshelf this evening I stumbled upon these two Western sets I've never seen before, 6758 and 6776: (URL) this just a hoax or is it unreleased official LEGO sets? (18 years ago, 8-Oct-06, to lugnet.western) ! 

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