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Re: Little scenery: The Journey to the Center of the Earth
lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.underground
Wed, 29 Nov 2006 15:07:50 GMT
142 times
In lugnet.adventurers, Dan Demmler wrote:

I want to show you a little scenery:
The Adventurers and the Journey to the Center of the Earth.

Inspiration give me Jules Verne with his novel Journey to the Center of the Earth.

Here you can find all pictures of this scenery:

I hope you enjoy it!

About: This is one of a little scenery in a “shelf units” (if it is the right word - Regale)
that is in our bedroom. Other little scenerys are over and under this
Adventurer MOC. One other Adventurer scenery I will show you later.


Neat! I like the idea of filling up a whole shelf with a diorama. I’m looking forward to seeing the other shelves.

Cross-posted to .underground.

Marc Nelson Jr.

Marc’s Creations

Message is in Reply To:
  Little scenery: The Journey to the Center of the Earth
Hello! I want to show you a little scenery: The Adventurers and the Journey to the Center of the Earth. Inspiration give me Jules Verne with his novel Journey to the Center of the Earth. (URL) Here you can find all pictures of this scenery: (URL) I (...) (18 years ago, 29-Nov-06, to lugnet.adventurers, FTX) ! 

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