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Re: Selling my LEGO inventory
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains,
Sat, 21 Oct 2000 14:51:10 GMT
51 times

Just because you are going away for a while doesn't mean you have to sell off!
Box it up and store it somewhere-- *some* day you'll be glad you did (or your
future son/daughter/niece/nephew will;-)  Think about it at least.


Harvey Henkelman wrote:

Hello all, I want to let everyone know that I'm selling all my LEGO's. I've
reenlisted in the good ol' US Navy and I'd like to know if anyone wants to
relieve me of my LEGO sets and parts.All are in new condition...(mostly trains
and town)

My current inventory:


I also have tons of parts as well. I want to sell this inventory all at once
and not individually. I'm asking for about $1,000 plus shipping and handling
charges.If you are interested, please let me know.

                                  Harvey Henkelman

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Selling my LEGO inventory
Geee man ! Army, navy ..what ever ... But don't sell your Lego because of it ! You won't get rich from 1000 $ but you'll be sorry one day ! Think it over one more time ! Enjoy ! Dejan (24 years ago, 22-Oct-00, to, lugnet.trains,

Message is in Reply To:
  Selling my LEGO inventory
Hello all, I want to let everyone know that I'm selling all my LEGO's. I've reenlisted in the good ol' US Navy and I'd like to know if anyone wants to relieve me of my LEGO sets and parts.All are in new condition...(mostly trains and town) My (...) (24 years ago, 21-Oct-00, to, lugnet.trains,

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