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Re: Problems contacting me ?
Tue, 6 Feb 2001 04:46:49 GMT
1316 times
In lugnet.trains, Brian Williams writes:

Larry made me aware today that Ameritech, my ISP, has been bouncing some
emails addressed to me.  Until I get a backup email (or possibly a new ISP)
can anyone else who has tried reaching me recently but been unable to please
post a response to this message. (Sorry Todd, I hope this chain won't be long)


Folks... You might post to off-topic.test or some such... that will reduce
the noise level in .trains. I set FUT there for this post.


Message is in Reply To:
  Problems contacting me ?
Everyone, Larry made me aware today that Ameritech, my ISP, has been bouncing some emails addressed to me. Until I get a backup email (or possibly a new ISP) can anyone else who has tried reaching me recently but been unable to please post a (...) (24 years ago, 6-Feb-01, to lugnet.trains)

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