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Re: More Thomas Engines: James
Tue, 17 Oct 2000 08:43:25 GMT
1346 times
Although the wheels on the 12 volt motor are obviously too small, and
the superheater should be yellow (doesn't come in that color yet)

Um.  Um um...the _superheater_ goes _inside_ the boiler, not outside :)  (of
course, it is not the great Lar++, that would be much more fun! he never makes

Nicely done, I like how the boiler is constructed.  A Q1 might look good done
up like that (although, again, one hits the 4 wheel limit of the 9V motors)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: More Thomas Engines: James
(...) Right you are. Maybe he means a feedwater heater? Those sometimes are outside mounted. ++Lar (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to lugnet.trains,

Message is in Reply To:
  More Thomas Engines: James
Here are some pics of an attempt to model James from the Thomas the Tank Engine stories. It was a joint effort between me and my 11 year old son. We tried to be as faithful to the original model of James from the videos (spent lots of time searching (...) (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to lugnet.trains,  

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