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Track Geometry
Wed, 4 Oct 2000 18:24:56 GMT
573 times
I have just been designing a layout for a train show
(in Scotland) and noticed some interesting track geometry.

Two curves placed together to give an "S" or reverse curve
take up the same dimensions as two straights one at 0 degrees
and the other at 22 1/2 degrees.

This means that on a layout curves and straights can be
interchanged - this is an important way to use up curves.

Extra curves can thus be included in a passing loop - on
the straight track add two curves to give an "S" and on
the turn-out, add a straight between the curved turn-out
on the point and the normal curve.  Then add as many straights
as required to both tracks and repeat at the other end.

If the "S" curve is made to go outwards the spacing between
the loop is 20 studs - room for a large station platform,
if it goes inwards the spacing is 8 studs, as normal.

Hope you can understand all this without a diagram - e-mail
me and I will send a picture of the design.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Track Geometry
Sounds like a circuitous solution to simply slicing straights! <g,d &r> -John (...) (24 years ago, 4-Oct-00, to lugnet.trains)

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