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 Trains / 5316
    Perhaps not a hoax... was:: New 9V Digital Trains for Germany this Autumn —Ben Fleskes
   I've been following this all morning trying to find a good place to jump in and decided to get in at the start. Some think it's a hoax others hope that it is not, but I think that is is possibly real. Let me bring up a few things up I've not heard (...) (25 years ago, 31-Mar-00, to lugnet.trains) ! 
        Re: Perhaps not a hoax... —John Gerlach
     Heck, maybe LEGO intentially leaked these picture to see what kind of reaction they'd get from the train fanatics here on LUGNET?? Or, maybe I've been watching too much "X Files"... ;-) (...) is (...) (25 years ago, 31-Mar-00, to lugnet.trains)  
        Re: Perhaps not a hoax... was:: New 9V Digital Trains for Germany this Autumn —Thomas Main
     Check out this page: (URL) BR 44 in particular... Looks very similar...also, the upside-down radar dishes are used in the BR 24. -- Thomas Main (25 years ago, 31-Mar-00, to lugnet.trains)  
        Re: Perhaps not a hoax... was:: New 9V Digital Trains for Germany this Autumn —Steven Barile
   I've seen metal rims before look at (URL) is a machenist and had these made in his shop 18 months ago! Looks like they owe Jon a free set ;) As for different colored bricks the gray train wheel covers is a 2 min job in photo shop as is the green (...) (25 years ago, 31-Mar-00, to lugnet.trains)  

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