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Eastwood Ravine
lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.trains, lugnet.general
lugnet.trains, lugnet.general
Wed, 27 Jan 2010 08:31:31 GMT
! (details)
5260 times
For the upcoming TexLUG display at the Healthy Baby and Child Expo in Houston, and to make use of our club’s new MichLUG designed train tables, I decided to build a sunken display module featuring my new Trestle Bridge design.

Photos of the whole module: Full Gallery

The display features dwarves, foliage galore, and even a scout camp. However, the scout camp is only a shadow of its’ future self, as several other TexLUG members will be supplying the rest of the camp at the show.

Of course why call it Eastwood Ravine without a reason...

Credit for the DeLorean design goes to Tim Gould. Steel truss bridge owned and designed by Matt Sailors.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Eastwood Ravine
(...) Nice Benn (15 years ago, 30-Jan-10, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.general, FTX)
  Re: Eastwood Ravine
(...) If you're interested in seeing the bridge in action... well, as much as a bridge can be, I've uploaded a video to YouTube. (URL) --Tony (15 years ago, 3-Feb-10, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.general, FTX)

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