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Re: 2008 Perth Hobby Train Show
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.trains
Tue, 10 Jun 2008 10:25:38 GMT
4378 times
In, Stump Dunn wrote:
The display was started
last September and added to every weekend when we could.  It was a full day to
set-up, a few hours to tear down.
It shows. I know how much time goes into the SLTC layout, and you have truely
shown that a big commitment leads to a big result.
Can you tell us what the longest span lego bridge is/was ? Im in the process of
a 3m span for the SLTC.

I'm not sure what the longest bridge was, maybe Rosco's harbour bridge at around
4m.  We couldn't find any examples of a bigger one south o' the equator so we
claimed us a record.

but I do know though that there are
roughly 900 1x16 technic beams in the bridge.

That explains the lack of those beams on Bricklink. Ha !

Well done. An awesome layout.


Cheers mate.  Bigger and better next year.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 2008 Perth Hobby Train Show
(...) It shows. I know how much time goes into the SLTC layout, and you have truely shown that a big commitment leads to a big result. Can you tell us what the longest span lego bridge is/was ? Im in the process of a 3m span for the SLTC. (...) That (...) (16 years ago, 10-Jun-08, to,, lugnet.trains)

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