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 Trains / 29920
    Re: Long Span Suspension Bridge? —Ted Michon
   (...) Mike- The 192 stud (10 ft) cable-stayed bridged that I posted a picture of earlier in this thread has a middle open span of 96 studs (5 ft). When we originally designed it, we made the deck just 5 plates thick with the intention of having the (...) (17 years ago, 23-Jan-08, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
        Re: Long Span Suspension Bridge? —Bruce S. Chamberlain
   (...) Ted, Sorry, I can not stand it anymore. A 48 stud baseplate is 15" and a fraction. Two at 96 studs would be 30" and a fraction. Four at 192 studs would be 5 feet and a fraction. Therefore 384 studs would be ten feet 3/4 of an inch. Bruce (17 years ago, 23-Jan-08, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
        Re: Long Span Suspension Bridge? —Dave Sterling
     (...) Aww, c'mon Bruce. All guys like to exaggerate the length of their LEGO bridges when telling others about them. Especially when talking with the ladies. ;-) Sorry Ted...Bruce kinda set me up for this one in a round-about way. :-) -Dave (17 years ago, 24-Jan-08, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
        Re: Long Span Suspension Bridge? —Ted Michon
   (...) Bruce- You are quite right, but my error is in studs, not feet. (I had an in-the-back-of-my-mi...uite-right feeling even as I wrote the post(s). I think the problem was that I knew that each single tower section was 192 studs long but in the (...) (17 years ago, 24-Jan-08, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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