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Re: (In)compatibility of RC Trains and Power-Functions
Sun, 14 Oct 2007 23:50:45 GMT
6615 times
In lugnet.trains, Sivan Toledo wrote:
I am trying to determine whether there is any compatibility between the RC
trains infrared remote-control protocol and the Power-Functions

Does anybody know definitely whether a Power-Functions transmitter has any
effect on an RC-Train and whether an RC trains transmitter has any effect on the
Power-Functions receiver?

If nobody knows, I'll be happy to get together with somebody in the Boston area
who owns an RC-Trains system to test this.

Thanks, Sivan

I tried to run the SLTC trains from my bull-dozer controller at our last public
show but was unsuccessfull on all channels. I have not tried the RC train
controller to drive my bull dozer but i doubt it would work. I susspect the
signals are completely different.
That said, either transmitter has potential to interfere with other simultaneous
transmitted signals (correct me if im wrong)? I have reason to susspect there is
an interupt on the reciever while it tries to decode the signal. This was
evident at the last SLTC show when the layout opposing ours was marketing IR
controlled trains and disrupted our signals all day and occasionally causing the
trains to stop.

Try the mana controller with the bulldozer. Like the power-functions, it only
has forward-reverse-left-right type signals.....and runs off AA bateries not


Message is in Reply To:
  (In)compatibility of RC Trains and Power-Functions
I am trying to determine whether there is any compatibility between the RC trains infrared remote-control protocol and the Power-Functions infrared-protocol. Does anybody know definitely whether a Power-Functions transmitter has any effect on an (...) (17 years ago, 14-Oct-07, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic)

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