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Re: Just An Idea: Part Dew
Tue, 25 Apr 2006 20:10:58 GMT
4008 times
In lugnet.trains, John Neal wrote:
   In lugnet.trains, Eric Kingsley wrote:
   In lugnet.trains, John Neal wrote:

OK I am confused.

Oops, and more oops. I got your URL wrong. Actually, the “idea” was a play on the “Operational Lifesaver” logo, not much other than that.


Ahhh, Thanks for the clarification and context. That is pretty cool although I doubt we should so blatently steal a header like that. With that said I really would like ILTCO support for I really want to get the discussion there going. I have some ideas but I don’t want it to look like It is just me and a couple others posting.

I know I have heard from several folks that think the idea is hopeless. Honestly that is pretty self defeating. We may not succeed but if we try at least we have a shot. So please, if you have an idea that might further the cause of saving 9v trains please post it over at so we can make as good a case as possible to LEGO for saving the line.

-Eric Kingsley

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  Re: Just An Idea: Part Dew
(...) Oops, and more oops. I got your URL wrong. Actually, the "idea" was a play on the "Operational Lifesaver" (URL) logo>, not much other than that. JOHN (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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