| | Re: Hobby Train - the no future train....
(...) Wow, trains are only available in the LEGO company retal stores in the US. I haven't seen a LEGO train in any other reatail outlet in a couple of years. (...) That does sound like bad news. To have all the metal rail stuff pulled from retail (...) (19 years ago, 9-Jan-06, to lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: Hobby Train - the no future train....
(...) This whole discussion makes me long for the early 1990s, when 9-volt trains were in their infancy, and Toys R Us (at least my local one) not only had them IN STOCK, but actually placed them in the same area of the store with OTHER MODEL (...) (19 years ago, 9-Jan-06, to lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: Hobby Train - the no future train....
(...) Jumping in my way back machine, I remember when they had the battery powered 7722, a station, and a level crossing in the train section of TRU. It was just too cool. The ealy 90's were great too. My wife (then girfriend) bought me my 4563 the (...) (19 years ago, 10-Jan-06, to lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: Hobby Train - the no future train....
(...) I should have added that now is a very good time for trains too, but ironically, the good times I am talking about are all the train/LEGO clubs and the still active on-line community. Chris (19 years ago, 10-Jan-06, to lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: Hobby Train - the no future train....
(...) Got that right. Long live the community!!! Seems like now it may be the only thing keeping 9v from going kaput!! TRAINS!!!!!! M (19 years ago, 11-Jan-06, to lugnet.trains)