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Re: Implecations of 6 LEGO Units Thick Fence
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains
Fri, 2 Dec 2005 19:02:24 GMT
705 times
In, Timothy Gould wrote:
   In, James Mathis wrote:
   What constructions can follow from this 6 LEGO Unit fence part? I haven’t fussed with ideas, yet, but I wonder if there are some new stud-offsets to be found with this 6LU thick fence. Train doors and engine vents always come to mind, but other building architecture is sure to benefit. Or, perhaps they have been demonstrated, and I have’t noticed....


James Mathis

Hi James,

It’s not quite SNOT but there are two ideas here. Also check out this thread which is where I got the idea of using that part from.

I think it is a great part and I thank Erik for bringing it to my attention for SNOT and offset techniques.

Here two odd-valued off-stud-alignment, or odd-stud-alignment (OSA?), of 3 and 7 LEGO Units shown as potential train door insets.

Other ways to achieve this 3 and 7-lu OSA?

Of course, there are always the clever ways of using clips sliding on rods to achieve an infinite resolution of OSA, but they are not “firm” nor “rigid” Stud-to-Hole constructions....


James Mathis

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Implecations of 6 LEGO Units Thick Fence
(...) Hi James, I shifted my response to .build.schleim so you may have missed it ((URL) here>). If you use technic rods you can obtain infinite resolution with firmness by using part 4265 to hold it in place. That will work with my solution using (...) (19 years ago, 2-Dec-05, to, lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: Implecations of 6 LEGO Units Thick Fence
(...) If you center the fence on a jumper plates, you can acheive 1-LU or 5-LU inset. I do something similar with technic bricks centered on jumper plates to acheive 2-LU insets. Mat (...) (19 years ago, 6-Dec-05, to, lugnet.trains, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Implecations of 6 LEGO Units Thick Fence
(...) Hi James, It's not quite SNOT but there are two ideas (URL) here>. Also check out (URL) this thread> which is where I got the idea of using that part from. I think it is a great part and I thank Erik for bringing it to my attention for SNOT (...) (19 years ago, 1-Dec-05, to, lugnet.trains, FTX)

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