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Re: Mount Washington Cog Railway
Sun, 9 Oct 2005 21:59:11 GMT
5983 times
In lugnet.trains, Tim David wrote:
I was wondering why you alternated the rack from side to side of the track? Did you find that this gave a more reliable grip? Also, have you experimented with curves? I’m thinking that your alternating method would make curves more of a realistic proposition as the four long rack elements do actually connect between the sleepers (ties) on curve with care (or brute force!) This model has the rack set (it looks like) 1 1/2 studs of centre which obviously works but is not as realistic.

My original actually had two gear racks running up the center of the track. I didn’t have very many though, so I ended up taking out every other one so that I could make a longer run.

I actually did test it with curves. Alternating the pieces does allow the rack to make it around curves. I didn’t test it at much of an angle, but with what I did test, the train ran almost as smooth as it does on straight track.

I see that your model is pure rack propulsion, is the Mount Washington Cog Railways pure rack or rack and adhesion?

The real thing uses a pure cog solution. The steam engines drives the cog, which pulls the locomotive up the mountain. What I thought was interesting is that the locomotive and the passenger coach aren’t actually coupled together. The reason for this is for safety. The coach is braked seperately, and uses some sort of ratchet type system to hold itself in place. This way, if the locomotive fails for some reason, and starts to roll back, the passenger coach will stay put instead of rolling down the mountain too.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mount Washington Cog Railway
(...) Interesting model. Strangely I keep finding that I'm thinking microscale each time I see the pic! I was wondering why you alternated the rack from side to side of the track? Did you find that this gave a more reliable grip? Also, have you (...) (19 years ago, 9-Oct-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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