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 Trains / 25295
    Re: ILTCO at the National NMRA convention in Cincinnati, July 2005 —Paul Janssen
   In lugnet.announce, Paul Janssen wrote: Oops, 14 clubs, I forgot Indylug/CILTC!! Paul ps. My (poor) excuse for this omission is that they keep changing their name to CILTC, and then back to Indylug, so when typing the list, I left out CILTC, but (...) (20 years ago, 1-Jun-05, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: ILTCO at the National NMRA convention in Cincinnati, July 2005 —John Neal
   (...) Actually, you were correct with 13, as you included the GMLTC on your list and shouldn't have. JOHN (20 years ago, 1-Jun-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
        Re: ILTCO at the National NMRA convention in Cincinnati, July 2005 —John Gerlach
   (...) Once again, J-2 is out of the loop. Hopefully the GMLTC will have a representative or two there at the big show - it depends if I'll be able to get out of work for a few days. <sigh> JohnG, GMLTC (20 years ago, 1-Jun-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
        Re: ILTCO at the National NMRA convention in Cincinnati, July 2005 —John Neal
   (...) <ahem> The 13 club number is derived from LTCs who are actually displaying their layouts at the show, not from representatives who might also attend. HTH, JOHN (20 years ago, 2-Jun-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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