| | Re: ILTCO at the National NMRA convention in Cincinnati, July 2005 Paul Janssen
| | | In lugnet.announce, Paul Janssen wrote: Oops, 14 clubs, I forgot Indylug/CILTC!! Paul ps. My (poor) excuse for this omission is that they keep changing their name to CILTC, and then back to Indylug, so when typing the list, I left out CILTC, but (...) (20 years ago, 1-Jun-05, to lugnet.trains)
| | | | | |  | | Re: ILTCO at the National NMRA convention in Cincinnati, July 2005 John Neal
| | | | | (...) Actually, you were correct with 13, as you included the GMLTC on your list and shouldn't have. JOHN (20 years ago, 1-Jun-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
| | | | | | | | | |  | | Re: ILTCO at the National NMRA convention in Cincinnati, July 2005 John Gerlach
| | | | | (...) Once again, J-2 is out of the loop. Hopefully the GMLTC will have a representative or two there at the big show - it depends if I'll be able to get out of work for a few days. <sigh> JohnG, GMLTC (20 years ago, 1-Jun-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
| | | | | | | | | |  | | Re: ILTCO at the National NMRA convention in Cincinnati, July 2005 John Neal
| | | | | (...) <ahem> The 13 club number is derived from LTCs who are actually displaying their layouts at the show, not from representatives who might also attend. HTH, JOHN (20 years ago, 2-Jun-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
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