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Re: Pics from ToyFair 2005
lugnet.trains, lugnet.year.2005
Wed, 23 Feb 2005 23:00:20 GMT
4833 times
What bugs me, is that non of these sets are powered. Thery all apear to use the older 3 axle steam wheelset. But at least they get drive rods. And the short wheelset for the tender is nice.

Also, I found it interesting that non of the models shown were built correctly. They all had thier wheel set bricks reversed.


Toby does - sort of, after all he is double ended. Mind you you shouldn’t be able to see the cylinders, or the wheels! Toby is the worst model by far in my opinion, its hard to do much with what is essentially box but he would have been better without the sloped in sides at least.


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  Re: Pics from ToyFair 2005
(...) What bugs me, is that non of these sets are powered. Thery all apear to use the older 3 axle steam wheelset. But at least they get drive rods. And the short wheelset for the tender is nice. Also, I found it interesting that non of the models (...) (20 years ago, 22-Feb-05, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.year.2005, FTX)

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