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 Trains / 23410
  Re: PNLTC dividing into two autonomous LEGO train clubs
(...) Seems a shame to retire such an illustrious name. Hmmm... How about: PNNLTC (PN North LTC) PNSLTC (PN South LTC) or PNWALTC (PN Washington LTC) PNORLTC (PN Oregon LTC) or PNSEALTC (PN Seattle LTC) PNPORLTC (PN Portland LTC) or PNLTCN (PNLTC (...) (20 years ago, 2-Sep-04, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: PNLTC dividing into two autonomous LEGO train clubs
(...) Actually, we were thinking of changing our name to a symbol... -Matt :) TNHOTLTCFKAPNLTC and TSHOTLTCFKAPNLTC ---...--- - username mchiles Matt Chiles 1006 Horseshoe Bend Rd Centerville, WA 98613 USA Phone: 509-773-5724 (20 years ago, 2-Sep-04, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: PNLTC dividing into two autonomous LEGO train clubs
(...) KEWL! Like this?: (URL) ;-) JOHN (20 years ago, 3-Sep-04, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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