In lugnet.general, Dave Lovelace wrote:
> In lugnet.general, Lindsay Frederick Braun wrote:
> > In lugnet.announce, Gerhard R. Istok wrote:
> > > OK folks,
> > > Here it goes.....
> > >
> > > I have spent the last 11 months writing a new book on Lego. It will be released
> > > not as an actual book, but as a CD (IBM and MAC compatible!!!) It is about 80%
> > > done, and so far has 105,000 words on 300 pages. There will be thumbnail
> > > pictures on most pages. Many items will be seen for the first time by most
> > > AFOL's. And I will be talking about many very very rare items.
> >
> > (snip)
> >
> > Wow, Gary. Just wow wowowowowow. I've been wondering
> > "Where's Gary been?" and now I know. What a wonderful
> > piece of news! I'm very, very interested. Are you going
> > to .pdf the text, so that the interminable bibliophiles
> > among us can print it out for consultation? ;)
> >
> > What a treat to hear this news. If your "History of LEGO"
> > posts are an indication, this will be a good read indeed.
> >
> > all best
> >
> > LFB
> Congrats Gary!
> Following up on Lindsay's question, if you do decide to make a .pdf available,
> within about 10 minutes you could have a book available on cafepress.com. Just
> upload the .pdf and cover graphics (JPGs) and you'll rake in free money by
> marking up CP's cost to you. I have a shop there for my online toons and it'a
> Godsend.
> I would personally rather buy a book than the CD, but if a CD is all I can get
> then consider me in line. Good luck! Sounds awesome.
> --Dave
Well thanks for the encouragement folks!
The main reason that I came out with this information early was that I could get
feedback from AFOLs. One possibility would be to give you folks an option, by
coming out with both a book and a CD.
Also I will be asking for feedback on other items. One item is Lego box and
parts condition. I will be using the 5 standard antique toy collectible
conditions (very good - mint), and I want to get agreement on what constitutes a
brick in "very good" condition, etc.
I want to "grow the business" for LUGNET and others. I also want moms and dads
across the world to check out all that old Lego in the attic to see if any of it
is worth selling..... (to AFOLs!!!)
Besides the metal wheeled cars/trucks produced in the 50's and 60's, there are
at least a dozen Lego elements that are worth over $50 each, which I will
discuss in the CD/Book. (The most expensive Lego element I have listed as being
worth about $300).
Here are some "tidbits": The most expensive spare parts packs.... worth about
$900 (2 of them, #698 (12 cars) & #699 (8 trucks) mint, Europe only). The most
expensive USA/Canada parts pack worth about $300, a double (twice the parts of
the European version) #231 mint Esso pack.
Anyone who wants to see what the CD/Book will be like, can view my "History of
Lego" series shown on the Lugnet.general page. The major difference being that
there are no thumbnails there.
I appreciate your feedback!
Gary Istok
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