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 Trains / 22766
  Micro-scale coal-train
Hi, This is my first venture into trains. When I saw the new Bionicles, I imidiately thought of the knee-caps as small coal waggons from the old Welsh coalmining trains. I've made a small attempt at making this into a micro-scale coal-train (1 wide (...) (21 years ago, 12-Apr-04, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.technic.bionicle) ! 
  Re: Micro-scale coal-train
(...) Very nice, thanx for sharing! This shows a good use of Bionicle parts in the 'real lego world' ;-P Now you only have to collect some more of these knee-caps to create a respectable length coal train, and due to the microscale, you don't needs (...) (21 years ago, 13-Apr-04, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.technic.bionicle)

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