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Re: Flush access door
Thu, 29 Jan 2004 16:48:59 GMT
2418 times
In lugnet.trains, Jason J. Railton wrote:
In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek wrote:
In lugnet.trains, Aaron Sneary wrote:

Now, can you put the whole thing in upside down so the door opens up?

Is the "newest Master Builder" having trouble figuring it out for himself, or is
that more of an "exercise for the student" thing?


Seriously, many many congrats man, you did us all proud, Way to go!


Oh please, you use a 1x5 technic 'rotor' plate and push the studs of an upturned
1x2 plate down into the ends and build on that.  It's five long, so you get half
a stud offset flush with your six-wide wall.  Hide the rounded ends by resting
them behind a 1x2 thin-wall (then you don't need a door rail plate).

That should help.  If you're building 8-wide, you're beyond help anyway... ;-)

Okay Aaron, this is the bit where you say, "yes, that seems to be the answer I
had here."  And if you need to conduct any more "tests", we're always here.

Jason Railton

Although that would certainly work, there are no right answers that I was
looking for. And there are no tests. I just enjoy people who can explain a
building technique with just words.

I was in a science competition as a teen where one person viewed something built
from LEGO bricks, Lincoln Logs or Tinker Toys (you never knew which) and had to
write with words only directions to rebuild it. The other teammate had to read
the directions and recreate the creation. Closest to the original won. An
extremely difficult task.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Flush access door
(...) I can imagine that not only is it tough for the first person to write everything down in words, it's also a real challenge for the teammate to visualize what the other person is describing! Congrats on your wish come true, Aaron! -Bryan (21 years ago, 29-Jan-04, to lugnet.trains,,
  Re: Flush access door
In lugnet.trains, Aaron Sneary wrote: Snip Snip (...) Sounds like a good idea for a competition at Brickfest etc. Giving verbal or written directions for anything is a good test of language and logic skills (and good practice.) "You put the (...) (21 years ago, 29-Jan-04, to lugnet.trains,,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Flush access door
(...) Oh please, you use a 1x5 technic 'rotor' plate and push the studs of an upturned 1x2 plate down into the ends and build on that. It's five long, so you get half a stud offset flush with your six-wide wall. Hide the rounded ends by resting them (...) (21 years ago, 29-Jan-04, to lugnet.trains,,

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