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Slotted freight cars
lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.trains
Tue, 16 Dec 2003 04:07:21 GMT
412 times
Recently I've been working with this part:

and felt that it could be useful in creating some nice looking freight rolling
stock. I believe I was right. I was able to come up with a simple design that
worked very well and I reproduced the design in three different colors:

Also as a bonus the cars have working sliding doors. Here I had to be creative
and I came up with a pretty niffty solution.

I added the 1x8 slotted rails above and below the door opening:

then on the back of a 6x8 plate I attached two Adventure type wind screens:

Once inserted the wind screens fit perfectly in the tracks, when the door is
closed you just gently push the door tight and it locks in place:

to open the door just pull the door a very tiny bit away from the car and the
door will slide open with ease:

My dark grey car does not have the sliding door yet since I don't have the 1x8
slotted rails in dark grey. So for now it has a stationary door, but both the
black and grey cars both have sliding doors.

For all the pictures (once moderated):


James J. Trobaugh
North Georgia LEGO Train Club

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Slotted freight cars
Awesome! They capture the look of stock cars very nicely. Jeez that's a lot of those... -Stefan- (21 years ago, 16-Dec-03, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: Slotted freight cars
The sliding dorsa are brilliantly simple. They move in a similar manner to sliding plug doors and your design has given me inspiration for use on smaller passenger stock doors. Tim (21 years ago, 17-Dec-03, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: Slotted freight cars
In lugnet.announce.moc, James Trobaugh wrote: <snip re sliding doors> (...) (21 years ago, 17-Dec-03, to lugnet.trains)

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