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Re: Legoworld2003 Zwolle Holland
Wed, 22 Oct 2003 22:16:42 GMT
3186 times
In lugnet.trains, Rob Hendrix wrote:
The car factory is of martijn booghaarts.  He is a member of Dutch LUG de
bouwsteen  (  Maybe you can find more info


I thought it might be Dutch  ... so I'll apologise again ...sorry

But this site is quite difficult to navigate (if you don't speak Dutch) ... so
more direct links to info would be helpful ...

SteveH BeLUG

"steven house" <> wrote in message
In lugnet.trains, Tommy Rainwater wrote:
In lugnet.trains, Steven House wrote:
My first visit and exhibit to a major show ...

Plenty of photos ... so take your time!

THANKS for the photos!!! So much to see... I'll have to abuse my broadband
tonight and view each shot! Can you tell us more about the "Car Assembly Line"?
The one pictured here:

A post on your MOCpages site says:
"I've seen the car assembly line working partly, but it's amazing how they can
build a car from separate bricks (14?) into a completely assembled car -
including the wheels."

So.... what's the scoop? do the cars just move around on the tracks in a loop,
or are the creators actually BUILDING little cars as they go?

It looks SO cool.... I wish I could have seen it in person!

-Tommy Rainwater
"Cogito Ergo Lego"

Its a straight line assembly plant that is intended to build a Lego car piece by
piece (how many? - I don't know)... adding parts at each station ... I believe
its by the Italian LUG (apologies if it isn't) ... unfortunately they spent most
of Legoworld debugging it ... though I suspect it'll be ready for another show
soon ... it was a huge an awesome beast.

I can't find any other info on the net .... but perhaps someone out there can
help ...

SteveH BeLUG

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Legoworld2003 Zwolle Holland
The car factory is of martijn booghaarts. He is a member of Dutch LUG de bouwsteen ((URL) Maybe you can find more info there. Rob "steven house" <> wrote in message (...) broadband (...) Line"? (...) (21 years ago, 22-Oct-03, to lugnet.trains,

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