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Questions about product rotation
lugnet.trains, lugnet.dear-lego
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 06:34:06 GMT
2366 times
I have questions the more experienced members may be able to answer,
especially attendees at BricksWest2003.

Do the train sets follow the normal two year product rotations?

Will the current set of train cars ( hopper, tank car, etc.) cycle out this

Will new train cars be added to the current set of My Own Train or possibly
replace them?

Will exclusive sets to TRU and Target limit availability of certain train
cars, aka the blue passenger wagon?

This is a question is directed toward the Lego Group itself.
Lionel, Atlas, MTH, and other manufacturers have extensive lines of engines
and train cars, so would the Lego Group be willing to create and expand the
current number of train engine and train car choices? The Lego Group could
save considerable time simply by using train car designs from members of
this forum.

The parts to make some of the train cars displayed on Brickshelf are hard to
come by and I for one would just like the opportunity to buy train cars from
a large product selection. Different colors would be nice too. I have gone
from a small oval layout to something that makes my wife question my sanity,
so an expansion of choices would be nice.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Questions about product rotation
(...) Trains follows this rotation less than some other lines do, has been my experience. 4565, for example, has been out for a very long time. I would expect it to be gone sometime soon but who knows? Other parts of the line do rotate out briskly, (...) (22 years ago, 20-Feb-03, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.dear-lego)

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