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Re: 4534 Lego Express - Does it include REGULATOR?
Sat, 4 Jan 2003 04:04:59 GMT
1321 times
In lugnet.trains, Aaron Gershon writes:
This is the train I see at Target. It is not obvious to me if the det
includes the SPEED REGULATOR or not(?) At full price this set seems way to


It does come with a speed regulator.

I thought the same thing about the price.  That original price is the sum of
the components (they are not packaged as seperate items but these are what
you get):

#KT205 Large engine: w/ tender = $34.99
#10015 Passenger Car = $19.99 (this one is blue)
#3748 Light Unit = $9.99
#5300 Train Motor = $24.99
#4548 Speed Regulator = $41.99
2x #4520 Curve Track = $12.99
#4515 Straight Track = $12.99
TOTAL: $170.92

Plus you get 4 figs and a small platform!

Not a barging at $169, but a super deal at $80 - if you are lucky enough to
get one at 70% off, then that much better.


Message is in Reply To:
  4534 Lego Express - Does it include REGULATOR?
This is the train I see at Target. It is not obvious to me if the det includes the SPEED REGULATOR or not(?) At full price this set seems way to expensive. (22 years ago, 3-Jan-03, to lugnet.trains)

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