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 Trains / 16621
    Re: Some questions about hoppers from a train newbie —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) Correct. They discharge over track that has an opening (elevated or not)... (...) Not sure about that part. (...) Yes, it is a "handbrake". It's used when the car is not coupled to train air to set the brakes manually. The wheel is called a (...) (23 years ago, 5-Jun-02, to lugnet.trains)
        Re: Some questions about hoppers from a train newbie —James Brown
   (...) That bracket is actually an actuator. :) There are 3 joints in it; the bottom of the V is fixed to the frame, the others are just a joint in the arms about halfway. You can see about 1/3 of the way up on the left that there is an arm attached (...) (23 years ago, 5-Jun-02, to lugnet.trains)

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