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RE: Dutch Railways models
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 20:53:31 GMT
1708 times
Meanwhile, have a look at a sneak preview of just a few pics.

Eric, these are so good it hurts. (1) We have seen a lot of good rolling stock,
but this is one of the better *scenes* I've seen. There is a lot of eye candy
there (the stairs down, the rusted part of the roof, the stucco breaking away)
for one to discover.

1 - except for the shunting engine. That's just weird. What is with those huge
buffers on the ends?

Followups to .trains where they belong.

I disagree Larry. These are general enough in terms of how to do a LEGO scene that
they deserve to be in .build. Also, I don't subscribe to .train...

The buffers on the shunting engine look like that in Europe. Well, maybe they are
a LITTLE exaggerated.

I'm surprised Larry missed the ballast in the tracks under the shunting engine. Erik
sure has a lot of Technic bushings, doesn't he?

This is just nuts. Erik, WHY do you tease us so mercilessly.....


Ralph Hempel - P.Eng

Check out pbFORTH for LEGO Mindstorms at:
Reply to:      rhempel at bmts dot com

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Dutch Railways models
Ralph Hempel wrote in message <000001bed484$419f8e...pro150>... (...) stock, (...) candy (...) away) (...) huge (...) scene that (...) they are (...) There was no room to connect the regular buffers, so I had to improvise. The shunting engine was (...) (26 years ago, 9-Aug-99, to lugnet.trains,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Dutch Railways models
(...) but this is one of the better *scenes* I've seen. There is a lot of eye candy there (the stairs down, the rusted part of the roof, the stucco breaking away) for one to discover. 1 - except for the shunting engine. That's just weird. What is (...) (26 years ago, 22-Jul-99, to, lugnet.trains)

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