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Re: new truck design (rehash)
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 18:26:28 GMT
582 times
Gianluca Morelli wrote:

In lugnet.trains, Christopher Tracey writes:
A few weeks ago we had a discussion in this group about a lower profile
truck design.  Although we were mainly focusing on spine and container
cars these truck designs can be adapted to any number of uses.

Here's what I came up for a solution:

I've tested this design in a five unit spine car and it works great.
There doesn't seem to be much friction and the height is perfect for the
cars.  The only thing I am unhappy with is the wheels are not centered
in the outside beam, but it's close enough.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the discussion.


Nice work,Chris!

Thanks Gianluca,

What did you use to support the metal axles?

The axles are supported between a set of 1x2 plates w door rails.  These
parts are pretty common currently in the MOT engines.

I've never built trains with *naked* ( ;-P ) axles,but once i designed such
a bogey (truck) that used the bricks 1x1 modified with headlight

of course the metal axle was inside the hole.
Else,one can use a technic brick witha 1/2 pin inside.

It seemes like there would be a lot of play in the axle this way.
Wouldn't you also have to pop the wheels off the axles?

Thanks again.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: new truck design (rehash)
(...) A very fine idea! (...) Maybe not so much. I never built it :) (...) Yes. But just one.It's not difficult,and it should come back exactly to its place,since there's a little difference in diameter between the point where the wheel is and the (...) (23 years ago, 22-Apr-02, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: new truck design (rehash)
(...) Nice work,Chris! What did you use to support the metal axles? The space between the stud and the edge of a piece? I've never built trains with *naked* ( ;-P ) axles,but once i designed such a bogey (truck) that used the bricks 1x1 modified (...) (23 years ago, 22-Apr-02, to lugnet.trains)

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