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A modifyed Super Chief nose!!!!
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 10:53:15 GMT
398 times
I have been playing around with a train nose using a new ramp part. The part
comes in a number of LEGO racer sets. And a couple of other sets. First I
had just through together a simple train front to see how it looked.

Then after I had recieved a copy of the  Santa Fe Super Chief, I got an
idea. I decided to see what the new nose would look like on the SFSC. And to
my suprise it actualy worked well with the look and style of the train. It
just adds a little more detail to the front. I will try to see if the slopes
come in red to see how that look aposed to the yellow.

I would love some feed back on the design. I know many would say that the
engine is flawless but I do like the look of the parts.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: A modifyed Super Chief nose!!!!
(...) I like it. I think the yellow works really well in contrasting the contour of the ridge. This may be lost if you change the colour to red. Jude (23 years ago, 25-Mar-02, to lugnet.trains)

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