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Flash on Lego site.
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 15:59:16 GMT
671 times
Just wanted to post a small protest (not a complaint, just a small protest) in
case anybody at Lego is listening in.  If your accessing the Lego site from a
T1 line, you HAVE to have Flash installed in order to even get into the Lego
site.  But if I'm dialed up, I get a screen that offers me the option of Flash
or HTML.  Here at work, I'm in a secured area, that allows NO Flash websites to
come through the firewall.  Therefore I can't even get into the Lego website AT
ALL.  Very frustrating.  Lego should offer the Flash OR HTML option for all
people visiting their site, and not just dialup users.

So what do the trains look like?  Can anybody tell me?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Flash on Lego site. (Picture link)
(...) to (...) AT (...) Hi Katie, you can see all the new trains much faster, by surfing this link: (URL) Regards, Ben (24 years ago, 23-Apr-01, to lugnet.trains)

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