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 Trains / 10814
    Re: 20 (yes TWENTY) new trains at - Themes | Trains —Sonnich Jensen
   (...) They look great indeed, I like the small ones with tender. I am though disapointed that there are no special train parts like doors or windows, which would make them great sets for parts. They also added the electric set, so - please give us (...) (24 years ago, 23-Apr-01, to lugnet.trains,
        Re: 20 (yes TWENTY) new trains at - Themes | Trains —James Trobaugh
     (...) Well they do have the small black "train" windows on the cab (kind of hard to see in the pictures) so there are some "special" pieces...but of course they don't have the glass in the windows. jt (24 years ago, 23-Apr-01, to lugnet.trains,
         Re: 20 (yes TWENTY) new trains at - Themes | Trains —John Neal
       (...) Yes, the airplane windows are great! And don't forget the black 2x2 domes-- that is a new color for that element and a *great* part for creating Steam engines:-) -John (...) (24 years ago, 23-Apr-01, to lugnet.trains,
          Re: 20 (yes TWENTY) new trains at - Themes | Trains —Steve Chuck
      Also new color parts includes the 1x1 brick with handle in green and brown, inverse brown slope (another source for green, also). Looks like another source for black door rails and low slope train roofs. (...) (24 years ago, 23-Apr-01, to lugnet.trains,
         Re: 20 (yes TWENTY) new trains at - Themes | Trains —Reinhard "Ben" Beneke
     (...) That's the most interesting question in the whole discussion: is there a classic window in 2x2 (that would be great!!)? Or is it a airplane window (the window area looks to big for that..)? The pictures are modified, so you cannot guess if (...) (24 years ago, 23-Apr-01, to lugnet.trains,
         Re: 20 (yes TWENTY) new trains at - Themes | Trains —James Trobaugh
     (...) I don't know if they modified the design since the the S@H catalogs came out, but you can see the window(s) very clearly in this picture: (URL) guess some would call them "airplane" windows, but to me all windows are "train" windows :) It (...) (24 years ago, 23-Apr-01, to lugnet.trains,
        Re: 20 (yes TWENTY) new trains at - Themes | Trains —Dwayne Towell
   (...) You could get coaches from BricWorx. Dwayne Towell FUT: (24 years ago, 23-Apr-01, to lugnet.trains,

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