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Re: V188/288 Diesel Is Complete
Wed, 18 Apr 2001 01:42:06 GMT
1054 times
In lugnet.trains, Josh Baakko writes:
In lugnet.trains, Harvey Henkelman writes:
I've finally completed my version of the V188/288 double-diesel. Note that
this is connected by a drawbar in the middle instead of standard couplers,
this is prototypical. I would've liked to round the roof off, but could not
find enough of the special rounded bricks in light gray. As always,
criticism is welcome-both positive and negative.-Harvey

p.s. My super flatcar is back as well!

Cool, you got pictures of the flatcar?  That loco is awesome!

The flatcar is shown on the third page of my website. -Harvey
(why look in the dictionary to find out how to spell a word, when you have
to know how to spell it to find it in the first place?)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: V188/288 Diesel Is Complete
(...) Cool, you got pictures of the flatcar? That loco is awesome! Josh (why look in the dictionary to find out how to spell a word, when you have to know how to spell it to find it in the first place?) (24 years ago, 18-Apr-01, to lugnet.trains)

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