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 Trains / *22650 (-5)
  announcing TrackDraw (BrickFest preview)
I've been working on TrackDraw, a replacement for Track Designer, for six months or so. I'll talk about it at BrickFest on Saturday. You can read a little about it, and see the BrickFest PowerPoint slides here: (URL) not ready to release the program (...) (21 years ago, 6-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains,, ! 
  Re: NCLTC Takes 1st Place at Raleigh GATS! (Long)
"John Morgan" <> wrote in message [ ... snipped ... ] (...) Thanks! (...) well (...) trains (...) site (...) some (...) so (...) I don't know if padding would have helped, it might have. (URL) camera sits (...) (21 years ago, 6-Aug-03, to,,
  Re: NCLTC Takes 1st Place at Raleigh GATS! (Long)
(...) ... Was the camera you used the same camera as this site offers? (...) If was different, but very similar. The camera fit easily in a 5 wide housing, and was less than three studs wide itself. Mike Walsh made a cradle of 1-high panels, (...) (21 years ago, 6-Aug-03, to,,
  Re: NCLTC Takes 1st Place at Raleigh GATS! (Long)
(...) Congrats! thanks for sharing all this good Pictures and movies. I have seen the wireless cameras available online and was wondering how well they would work as a train engine mounted video source. Great to see the trains eye view of the (...) (21 years ago, 6-Aug-03, to,,
  Re: Three 8 wide freight cars, & a fire engine!
(...) The new 7468 Saturn V set comes with two flat 8 x 8 round tiles with the 4 studs in the center, like the radar dish, in black that would work in a pinch. Lawrence (21 years ago, 6-Aug-03, to lugnet.trains,

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