Re: Garbage container truck
Fri, 26 Oct 2007 04:26:51 GMT
8976 times
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In, John Neal wrote:
In lugnet.announce.moc, Jonathan Lopes wrote:
Jonathan (who is embedding images in a post for the first time . . . are
these considered to large?)
Hey, thats garbage! ;-)
I dont even HAVE trash in my town:-)
An open door Ill resist . . . ;o)
Well done, and faithful to the proto, Jonathan. Per the pics; Id say that
they are too large, but here is what you can do: Actually, you can SEE what
I did to them to create hyperlink thumbs of them. You just need to add a
/thumb/ before the pic name, and add _thumb.jpg at the end of the pic name.
Good luck!
Thanks, John!
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Garbage container truck
| (...) Hey, that's garbage! ;-) You are SUCH an ashcanner! I don't even HAVE trash in my town:-) Well done, and faithful to the proto, Jonathan. Per the pics; I'd say that they are too large, but here is what you can do: Actually, you can SEE what I (...) (17 years ago, 25-Oct-07, to, FTX)
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