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Re: Two small stores
Mon, 7 Feb 2005 20:19:52 GMT
1257 times
In lugnet.announce.moc, Tony Hafner wrote:
Here are a couple of stores that I have been bringing to various shows for
close to 2 years now.  I finally got around to doing photo shoots for my web
site.¬ ¬

They each fit on a 16x32 baseplate, and include detailed interiors.  These
are #2 and #3 in the series that started with
< Joe's Donuts>.  Three stores
down, two to go.¬ ¬

<snippity snip>
I love them!
  I'll take two for my city please :-)


Message is in Reply To:
  Two small stores
Here are a couple of stores that I have been bringing to various shows for close to 2 years now. I finally got around to doing photo shoots for my web site. (URL) Will's Grill>: (4 URLs) Pete's Pets>: (3 URLs) They each fit on a 16x32 baseplate, and (...) (20 years ago, 7-Feb-05, to lugnet.announce.moc,, lugnet.trains, FTX) ! 

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