In lugnet.announce, Michael Huffman wrote:
> COLTC will have a 30 x 30 foot layout at the Dennison, Ohio Train Festival from
> July 30 - August 1, 2004. We are still working out the details of the layout,
> but we have been asked by the TranFest event co-ordinator to bring along Paul
> Janssen's 4+ ft. tall Bob the Builder Sculpture. :) As we figure out more
> detail of the event, we will post it to LUGNET.
> Here's the preliminary press release from April 27th:
> http://www.trainfestival2004.com/smalltrains.html
> From thier web-site:
> What: Three Day Train Festival celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the
> Dennison Railroad Museum showcasing railroading, past and present, to
> families and railfans.
> When: July 30, 2004, to August 1, 2004
> Host: The Dennison Railroad Depot Museum
> Where: TrainFestival 2004 will be held in Downtown Dennison, Ohio, on 25
> acres around the Museum.
> How Much: Gate price will be $12.00/Adult and $8.00/child (12 and under). A
> one-hour train ride will cost $15.00/adult and $12.00/child (12 and under)
> Expected Attendance: As many as 20,000 over three days, 2500 coming in by
> train
> Excursions: Trips are being planned to bring passengers to TrainFestival 2004
> from Columbus, Pittsburgh and other locations
> --Mike
We dug up some more info about this show, and want to announce an opportunity
for fellow Lugnetters to possibly join displaying!!
The event is going to be huge!! It is branded the "largest celebration of
railroading in 2004". Having spoken with the organizers, they expect 20-30.000
(!!) visitors over 3 days. They will have no less than 7 operating steam
engines, several are making trips around the area, and in addition a large
variety of rolling stock, as well as many diesel engines. There will be
entertainment on 2 stages, food, vendors, small trains, and other train club
displays (HO and O-scale).
COLTC has been given a 30 x 30 foot space, and although we have done shows this
size before using only our own members mocs, we would not mind if a few other
AFOLs would join us!!! The show runs from Friday to Sunday, and we can set-up
all day on Thursday. Although a full dayfor set-up seems long, 30 x 30 feet of
space is a lot, and not all our club members can take several days off (some
will though). We would be gratefull for anyone to help us out during set-up, and
the rest of the show. We will start setting up at 7 AM, and continue throughout
the day. At noon, access will be given to the media, many journalists and
several TV-crews are expected (so bring a comb!). Thus, by that time we'd like
to have the bulk of the display up (all tables, and all large MOCs.
Here is what we can offer: if you could help us out setting up, we'd be glad to
incorporate a MOC or two of you into the display. This will be your chance to
show your creation to thousands and thousands of people, and talk to visitors
about your creation and the Lego hobby. Of course, you'll get a three day pass
for the show, and there will be plenty of club members to talk to and chat about
anything Lego related (or unrelated). We will not get paid to do this show, so
we will not be able to offer monetary compensation (we may be able to get a
hotel room though, and some drinks/snacks during the show). Set-up is hard work,
and we will not have too much time to chit-chat during early stages of set-up,
but we'll have plenty of time to do that in the afternoon and during the three
day show. Too many people make setting up awkward, so we will not be able to let
more than a handfull people join our display this show. If we get more requests
than we need, first-come, first-serve.
Our set-up will be located in a tent. The tent is placed on concrete (so no
mud), and shields the set-up from rain and sunlight. 24-hour security will be
provided by the organizers. If you are potentially interested in this
opportunity to display, contact us!! Note, our display will be heavy on trains
(duh!!), with a large city/town section, perhaps some castle. Although we very
much appreciate mecha, space, and such, we will give priority to incorporate
MOCs' that are train/town/city/(castel) related. Having said that, it is
unlikely we will turn down a very cool "off-topic" MOC.
You do not have to live in Ohio to join us, Dennison is less than 1 hour away
from PA, it is located in the center of the Cleveland/Pittsburg/Columbus
Message is in Reply To:
 | | COLTC to display at Dennison, Ohio's TrainFest from July 30 - August 1, 2004
| COLTC will have a 30 x 30 foot layout at the Dennison, Ohio Train Festival from July 30 - August 1, 2004. We are still working out the details of the layout, but we have been asked by the TranFest event co-ordinator to bring along Paul Janssen's 4+ (...) (21 years ago, 10-May-04, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.events, lugnet.trains, lugnet.trains.org, lugnet.loc.us.oh) !!
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