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Review of new Grand Central Station (4513) set
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.trains
Fri, 4 Jul 2003 14:13:07 GMT
7519 times
Set: 4513 Grand Central Station
Pieces: 344
Price: $50

Main Model:
The main model is a modern looking train station.  This is a significantly
bigger station than the older "red" station, and also has much more
interesting architecture.  In fact, I would say that it has more design put
into it than most LEGO town sets.  I'm not sure that everyone will like the
styling, but it is a lot better than most other sets.

The front entrance is a revolving door.  On the back of the model is a knob
with a tire attached to it that can be used to turn the door.  The mechanism
works quite nicely and I'm surprised that not more people have attempted
something like this with MOCs (as no special parts are necessary).

To the left of the door is a ticketing and baggage area.  The attendant has
a small computer (new dark gray computer keypad) and a luggage shoot to send
luggage down to the waiting baggage cart.

To the right of the door is a cafe, complete with chef and two ice-cream
pieces (yah! - I have always wanted some of these, but could never find

On the second floor, in the middle is the train control room.  This has the
new flat computer screen piece and computer keyboard (I believe that this is
similar to the new rail crossing set).  Also, there is a 4x3 slopped brick
with a switch pattern printed on it.

On the outside of the second floor are two balconies with tables.  The set
comes with a "pizza" piece, except that this pizza uses a tan 2x2 round tile
rather than a yellow one.  The effect is more realistic.

The set include 5 minifigs, all of which are fairly interesting looking and
use some new colors and print patterns.  I really like the use of a dark-red
hat on one of the figures.

For vehicles, the set includes a baggage cart and a skateboard.

The general construction is decent enough, with somewhat less juniorization
as compared to the previous "red" train station.

Overall, the value of this set is decent, but not as good as some others
like the new police station (7035), which costs the same, but has almost 100
additional pieces.  I think that a lot of cost is added by the near-useless
3 train platforms in this set.  However, the remainder of the pieces are
extremely useful (at least to me), so I'm satisfied.

Alternate Models:
The set contains pictures of a few decent looking alternate models, both in
the instructions and on the box.  It is good to see alternate models making
a come back after their near-complete disappearance in recent years.

I think this is a very cool main model, and the parts supply is nice.  I
give it about an 8/10.

I mainly buy sets for the parts, so this is my primary interest.  Here are
some of the more interesting parts:

4 4x4x6 trans-black panels - This was one of the main reasons I bought this
set.  I hope that people are going to start selling these on BrickLink soon
as these are really cool parts.  I could probably use hundreds of them!

2 1x2x5 trans-black bricks - Again another cool addition to the trans-black
line.  This is just the standard "juniorized" 1x2x5 bricks, but in
trans-black, they seem completely different.

6 1x4x3 trans-black panels - Again, I could use hundreds.  I hope that
shop-at-home will be selling these!

6 4x4x1 yellow curved pieces - These have been in short supply on BrickLink
up until now (although not a high value part).  I'll be happy to get more of

5 1x2x2 trans-black panels - I think that these are the same as in the new
bullet train.
4 1x4x1 trans-black panel
2 1x2x1 trans-black panel

2 1x3?x8? curved trans-black panels.  These are like the new windshields,
but they are split in half.

8 2x6x1 black brick with curved slope - These are smaller than other curved
slope bricks I've seen.  They are used as the "awning" over the two
lower-floor windows.

6 1x4x5 gray window frames with trans black glass - I've not seen
trans-black glass for these windows before, so this will be nice.

2 4x16?x1 black curved slopes - These are strange pieces.  They are similar
to the long, curved slopes seen on some recent sets, except that they are
not split down the middle.

2 16x16 dark gray slanted "train" platforms - yuck - I already have plenty
of these thanks
1 16x15 dark gray level "train" platform - These are a bit more useful.

4 6x16 gray plates
1 6x14 gray plate

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Review of new Grand Central Station (4513) set
That is a very detailed review. I have two questions though. 1. I looked in at a Scan from a German Catalog (I think) and it showed this station (not the prototype). It is yellow but it has something different. In the middle of the 2nd floor, (...) (21 years ago, 7-Aug-03, to,, lugnet.trains)

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