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Cool stuff at Lego Outlet
Newsgroups:, lugnet.technic,, lugnet.trains
Tue, 11 Feb 2003 17:30:25 GMT
95 times
Hello everyone,

I just got back from the Lego Outlet at Discover Mills, (678)847-6078.  They
just received a huge shipment and I thought some of the folks here might be
interested.  They have received the Imperial Star Destroyer, the Black Seas
Baracuda, and the Bionicle Master Builder set.

The best deals I saw were the Technic 8466 4x4 Off-Roader for $59.99 (they
have 29 left), 633 Red Roof Tiles for $3.99 (they have at least 72), and
they had one 6199 Hyrdo Crystalation Station on a clearance table for

A great selection of Bionicle with all the old Toa's and the Bohrok's for
A huge selection of Racer sets.
A huge selection of Alpha Team all at 40% off.
A good selection of Dino stuff (can't remember if it was on sale or not,
Droid Developer Kits for $39.99.
Lots of Star Wars.
Tons of Creator tubs new and old.

These are the highlights, if there is something in particular you are
looking for give them a call.  They are glad to help and can ship to you.

Hope you find something you want,
P.S.  I could not be happier, I just got 8 more 3033's.  :) :) :) :)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Cool stuff at Lego Outlet
(...) What a great example of an oxymoron :-) Steve (22 years ago, 11-Feb-03, to, lugnet.technic,, lugnet.trains)

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