Id like to take this opportuity to point out this years Best Mecha Awards for
Brick Fest 2004.
The SciFi: Mecha/Bionicle Room was attended by many Fest goers and was
populated by some great Models. During Sunday; the day the public was invited,
the Mecha and Bionicle Room was packed all day.
Many people asked questions and showed interest. We even held an impromtu Mecha
round table suggested by Mr. Roberts. Both Mecha and Bionicle Builders talked
about our creations and members of the round table commented by asking questions
and giving thoughts and ideas based on the builders inspiration.
Each Brick Fest Registered Attendee got a cool Brick Fest Bag with neat stuff.
In that bag was a Voting Sheet. It was really well done. It had catagories for
each of the kinds of themes found at the Fest. Great stuff!
So everyone had until 2:00pm on Saturday to turn their ballots in.
Then Saturday night after much hard work by Volunteers Im sure, the winners
were announced at the general gathering. (thank you)
Congrats to the winners of all the different themes, small and large alike.
clap clap clap
FYI- online Mecha Community and Bionicle Community