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 Technic / Bionicle / 1092
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Bionicle MOCs
Sun, 5 Aug 2001 22:56:43 GMT
1004 times
In the chaos of the Dark Sun System (,
the L3::G0 macrostructure revolves fitfully.  The war between the Tron
Overlord Government and the Gnutron Commonwealth rages along the surface
of the gravitationally suspended spheres.  The macrostructure, created
ages ago by the Technic Master Builders, is to some extent self aware.
The withdrawl of the T.O.G. from the anti-brickseparator treaty places
the structural integrity of the macrostructure at risk.  The technic
factories on the Ebony Sphere spring to life after millenia of disuse.
Agents are constructed to scout, repair and defend the macrostructure.
Chief among these are the Slizer Toa; each one dspatched to a sphere
within the macrostructure.

See the pictures at:

== Krakatoa, the Ruby Slizer Toa
Krakatoa features a movable head mounted on a ball joint,
head mounted sensor equipment, a hand-mounted blade, and
a enormous BFG (Big Fire Gun).  The arm/gear motion does
a reasonable shotgungun-reloading action.  Krakatoa, like
the other Slizer Toa, wears a chest-mounted talisman disk.

== Waterstrider: the Sapphire Slizer Toa
Waterstrider uses shoulder mounted gill/propulsion
systems.  Designed for repair and defense in the
deepest oceans, Waterstrider uses the Claw of Life.

== Potatoa: the Amber Slizer Toa
A modifiaction of a stock Toa, Potatoa adds two LoM Pincers.
Potatoa's head is mounted on a short piece of rigid pneumatic
tubing, rather than an axle, permitting lateral motion.
The backpack has two wings with jet systems for
limited flight.  The wings fold down for protection.

== Wasteland: the Quartz Slizer Toa
Wasteland's jointed tail allows it to travel in an animal-like
horizontal position.  It's neck gears have been modified to
swing the head back and forth with the arm motion.  Wasteland
carries two formidable quad-missile launchers; the proto-acitate
warheads instantly separate any structure at the studular level.

== Greenome: the Jade Slizer Toa
While Slizer Toa are self-aware, only Greenome, with its virulent
petrochemical-DNA, can be classified as alive.  Multi-shaded
jungle coloring, blade-like wings, a genetic staff, and twin
promethius cannons enable Greenome to restore areas that
Wasteland has wiped clean.

== Blaszcar: the Topaz Slizer Toa
Blaszcar is equiped with the curious ZNAP backpack, allowing him
to transform to a wheeled-car mode suitable for crossing the
silicon flats of the Topaz sphere, and transform into a VTOL
hovering mode for descending fissures and canyons.


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