Nice crane Ross, I'll have to update my webpage to say that it is practical
to get a three section boom at 4 studs wide. It's great that you got good
reference photos, I'm still not quite gallous enough to ask people if I can
take photos of that type when they are working, prefering to skulk in the
distance, but am working on it!
"Ross Crawford" <rcrawford@csi.com> wrote in message
> Nah, I like big stuff too was just kidding 8?) Just for a bit of comparison,
> this crane is 10 studs wide, Jennifer's AC100-1 is about 18 I think
That's right, although if it had been to exact scale it would have been 16,
but I added a couple of extra studs to make lift easier, or indeed possible.
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: MOC: All Terrain Crane
| (...) Thanks Jen! Am I allowed to say "nyak, nyak" now??? 8?) (...) Well in this case, I just hung around taking photos from outside the barriers, and Andy saw me and invited me up! I've had not so pleasant experiences asking other crane drivers (...) (22 years ago, 8-Jan-03, to lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.technic)
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: MOC: All Terrain Crane
| (...) Me? Abuse LEGO??? Never!!!! 8?) (...) Nah, I like big stuff too was just kidding 8?) Just for a bit of comparison, this crane is 10 studs wide, Jennifer's AC100-1 is about 18 I think, and Dennises LG1550 looks to be around 24.... (...) Ah well (...) (22 years ago, 7-Jan-03, to lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.technic)
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