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 Technic / 8142
    Re: T.j's right, you can never have too many cranes —Jennifer Clark
   (...) Nice one Steve, the cab windows work really well. Any chance of seeing more detail of the suspension setup? Jennifer (22 years ago, 12-Sep-02, to lugnet.technic)
        Re: T.j's right, you can never have too many cranes —Steven Lane
     (...) Pictures might be difficult as there is so much cramped into a small space but I could knock up quick cutaway dat tomorrow, no trouble. Steve (22 years ago, 12-Sep-02, to lugnet.technic)
        Re: T.j's right, you can never have too many cranes —Steven Lane
   (...) Try (URL) (22 years ago, 13-Sep-02, to lugnet.technic)

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